Starting a business using ChatGPT

With the advancement of technology, artificial intelligence (abbreviated as AI or AI for short) has increasingly entered everyday life.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, developed by OpenAI. It is a large artificial neural network that uses machine learning to learn and generate text autonomously from huge amounts of previously collected text data.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a discipline in computer science that deals with the development of systems capable of imitating human learning, reasoning and problem-solving abilities. The goal of artificial intelligence is to create machines capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence, such as natural language understanding, computer vision, speech recognition, planning and reasoning.

With their ability to learn from data, artificial intelligence algorithms such as ChatGPT can be used in a wide range of applications, including machine translation, text generation, speech recognition, medical diagnosis, autonomous driving and more.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising many industries and sectors, and is opening up new opportunities for the creation of intelligent and innovative solutions. However, the responsible and conscious use of AI is crucial to ensure that its benefits are exploited in the best possible way and that its possible risks are managed appropriately.

Today we explain how you can use artificial intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT, to start or improve your business in the world of Print On Demand.

In this article, we will guide you step by step using all the tools available online:

1. Choose a few niches to start in

The first step in starting a shop, but in general an online or physical shop, is to understand who we want to target as a niche market. ChatGPT helps us with this by giving us some hints,

Example prompt: “can you suggest in which sector I can open a merchandising store”.

2. Choosing your store name

Once you have chosen the niche you want to be in, you need to find a name that can reflect what you are and especially what you sell. Always with ChatGPT you can find good inspiration.

Example prompt: “can you give me some example names for a merchandising store for volleyball fans”.

3. Creating the logo

Now we need to give our store an identity, starting with the logo, and this is where artificial intelligence comes to the rescue, here is a simple tool that generates a logo for you according to your specifications:

4. Which products to focus on according to your niche

Having set up the store, and also the identity, we need to understand specifically what we want to propose to our customers, you ask, ChatGPT answers:

Example: “What are your favourite merchandising products to sell to volleyball fans ?”

5. Create slogans and then images to suit your target audience

Having selected your niche, identity, logo and products, you now need to create a catchy slogan to suit your target audience:

Example: “Can you create 10 slogans for me to put on a T-shirt to sell to volleyball fans”.

6. Creating the graphics

Now comes the creative part, i.e. deciding what kind of graphics to put on our chosen products, and here too artificial intelligence helps us, there are many tools that can help you with the graphics, here are some of the most popular ones:


To make the best use of these tools, the important thing is to use the right prompts.

We have included a few example prompts, but with some testing you will certainly get better ones.


7. Launching the product

There are many online tools based on artificial intelligence that can help you at every stage of your product launch, from marketing to growth.

Here is one that provides you with lots of tools organised by category: